Saturday, November 15, 2008


So again, sorry for the lack of posts. While I could blame it on a number of things: my computer not being returned to me by the (incompetent) staff at BestBuy in Miami (as a personal favor to me, please never shop at BestBuy ever again. Suffice it to say that they didn’t get my computer fixed by the time I left the country (only 5 days late by their own estimate) and then jerked me around to the point where I returned to the store 3 times with no results. I’m kind of bitter); not going to the internet cafĂ© as I’m trying to save money for traveling; being busy with work and traveling back to the states (for medical school interviews. More details to follow). As I haven’t written or posted in a while, I hope people are still even reading this, but if not, I understand (and if that’s true, then I guess I wrote that last bit just for my own well being).

I decided to jump back on the horse following an eye-opening experience I had recently. I’ll just jump to the punch line and say that I either got roundhouse or scissor-kicked to the throat last night. Don’t worry mom and dad, I wasn’t in a fight (leaving the grand total of fights I have been in at 0), but was rather playing soccer. The reason I don’t know what kind of kick I received was that I didn’t see it happen (I was following the ball) and I didn’t know the words for “roundhouse-kick” or “scissor-kick” in Spanish (I now know to ask whether it was a “una patada casa redonda” or “una patada tijera” (literal translations… probably not right)). Surprisingly it didn’t hurt much at the time, but it is more than making up for it this morning. Anyways, I realized that should some unfortunate accident occur to me, I wouldn’t want to leave you all (my loyal fan base) in the dark about what I was up to. So with no further delay, some updates.

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