Thursday, July 31, 2008


I coached a baseball team today (I don’t know if it’s fair to call what I did coaching (it’s hard to coach kids who are better than you are at what you’re coaching them at (I’m not very good at baseball if you’ve never had the chance to watch me in action))). So really, it was more like a threw a ball to (or close to) some kids so that they could catch/hit. Somehow or another, while my attention was focused elsewhere I got hit in the back of the head by a ball (which was much softer than an actual baseball). Thinking this was o-so-hilarious, the kids spent the rest of practice throwing fastballs at/around my head and body area when I wasn’t looking (and though they were only 12 or 13, they threw a lot faster than I could (which, based on my lack of skill in baseball, isn’t saying much (but still more than nothing)). Don’t know if I’ll continue with the baseball coaching or not....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i just read your entire blog. fun...
i'm excited you're using spanish words. maybe someday we'll communicate in my native tongue beyond phrases like "no puedes tener jugo."