Friday, July 25, 2008

Contacto Informacion

In case anyone wanted to send me anything (fan mail, candy bars, comics, DVDs of hit TV shows or movies, babies, sun screen, vibranium shields, horse feed, etc...) or give me a call, here would be the best ways to get in touch

Sean McGarvey
Iglesia Catolica
Volunatrios Passionistas
Bario Centro
Talanga, FM
Honduras, Central America




A Man With No Clue said...

I tried to call you but it went to some message in spanish...I think the answering machine. Fuck if I know. Hope all is well buddy - let me know if i was doing something wrong when I tried to call.

Tell Joe I said...este?


Unknown said...

Is this how you intend to help other?
Get off that cloud, you would be doing other and yourself a big favor. Your comments leave the immpression that you were not prepared to arrive to a third world country or even help other.
You were hoping to fing the Empire State and no mosquitos in Talanga.