Monday, September 22, 2008

Perrito en la Pierna de Miguel

So each week, the other guys and I go out live to Talanga on the program Telerevista, reaching the hearts and minds of a people and a place. As previously mentioned, we’ve been continually escalating our involvement on the show. Our latest escapade involved the use of sock puppets to act out a story, but wait… there’s more. Thinking the hardest part of the night had been a particularly hard scene between Miguel y yo where we had to pass underneath the screen while our puppets passed on opposite sides of an ice berg which we then exchanged (intense, I know), we were shocked when a dog made its way onto the set. The dog quickly made its way up the ladder, first destroying several of our popsicle-stick props, then discovering how much it liked the puppet of Miguel (un pinguino (a penguin)), and finally developing certain… feelings for Miguel himself. Watch and enjoy.

Video to come, Courtesy of Joe Runde & Melissa Farrell

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